Are You Ready for Allergy Season?

Spring is fully in force across the country, and with the season’s warmth, flowers, and greenery comes an explosion of pollen and other allergens on every pleasant breeze. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or hay fever, it’s time to arm yourself with the defenses you need to keep the allergens at bay.

Vitamin C

Boosting your immune system with Vitamin C protects your body from infection and colds, and can ease the symptoms of allergies. Combining it with zinc and B vitamins can make for a potent health-promoting formula.

Nasal Sprays

Nasal sprays like Xlear Sinus, Reboost, and Sovereign Silver can help keep clear your nasal passages and sinuses of allergens, while delivering symptom relief.

NAC Antioxidant

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) promotes the body’s natural detoxification processes, and helps to break up and reduce mucus to reduce congestion.


Methyl Sulfanyl Methane promotes healthy connective tissue, and in allergy season will help protect your sensitive tissues from pollution and allergens.

If you’re looking for natural solutions for allergies and other seasonal problems, Pain & Stress Center has everything you’re looking for.

The Importance of Vitamin D to Your Health

You may be aware that a vitamin D deficiency in your body can result in rickets, but did you know there other reasons to make sure you have a healthy balance of vitamin D? Find out what how else vitamin D can affect your health.

What Vitamin D Does

In addition to good bone health, vitamin D is a key factor in having normal immune system function. It can help you fight:

  • Heart disease
  • Influenza
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Depression

While you may be preventing the above and other illnesses, you will also have a healthier heart, better brain function, and normal teeth growth and development.

Lack of Vitamin D

Now you know the important role that vitamin D plays in your body. But what happens if you don’t get enough?

On her youtube page, Lo Bosworth shared her ordeal with anxiety and depression partly due to low vitamin D levels in her system:

Aside from being more vulnerable to the diseases and conditions mentioned previously, your body won’t be able to absorb the amount of calcium it needs, which affects your bone growth. This is how children can develop rickets and adults develop osteomalacia. It has even been hypothesized that a deficiency can be a diabetes risk factor.

Too Much Vitamin D

Too much vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia, abnormal bone growth, and depression. There are other undesirable side effects like diarrhea, weight loss, and irritability.

Fortunately, it is very rare to overdose on vitamin D. Most cases of vitamin D toxicity have shown an intake level of more than 40,000 IU a day, which is 8-10 times higher than the dosage amount in most supplements.

Check out our latest press release to learn more about Vitamin D and learn what factors can affect your vitamin D intake.

How to keep your New Year’s Resolution


It’s that time of year again!  We resolve to eat better, exercise more, save money.  By February, most of us have already broken those promises, and we cycle back into the same patterns.  If you plan on setting New Year’s Resolutions, here are some tips that can help make them stick:

  • Pick just one resolution. Make it realistic, specific, and tangible.
  • Start small. If you want to exercise more, for example, start with 2 days a week instead of seven.
  • Share it! Tell your friends and family.  Maybe they’d even like to join you!
  • Set goals and reminders. Consider tracking your progress on a fitness app.
  • Forgive yourself if you make mistakes along the way. If you encounter missteps, resolve to recover and try again.

Pain & Stress Center products promote natural remedies and alternatives to toxic drugs. Here you will find answers to mental stress-anxiety, physical discomfort, teen stress, occasional sleeplessness, mood issues, aging and memory challenges.

Tips for Self-Care During the Holidays


The holiday season is a time of great happiness as we gather together with friends and family to celebrate.  However, it can also be a time of great stress or sadness.  No matter how you are feeling this time of year, self-care is especially important.

  • Give yourself permission. This may mean saying NO to a certain event or overspending on gifts.
  • Set healthy boundaries on work, friends, and yes, even family.
  • Let go of expectations. Relinquish the illusions and celebrate the moment – even the imperfect ones.
  • Take some quiet time to reflect. Even a five minute break to focus on your breathing can help rest the brain.

You might even consider taking a supplement from Pain & Stress Center to help with

Three Ways to Relieve Teen Stress

Being a teenager can be hard. Learn some great ways to give your teen relief.

Adjust Health Habits

Is your teen getting enough sleep and eating a healthy diet? If not, making slight adjustments could help.

Take a Time-out

Sometimes teens just need a little space. Taking some time to relax can make a huge difference.

Get Stress Relief Supplements

Giving your teen a stress reliever, like Teen Link, can take the edge off and help them to focus on other things.

Pain and Stress Center provides a natural alternative to treat stress, anxiety, and pain. You can buy Teen Link online or learn about our other products.

Using Mindfulness to reduce stress and anxiety


Take a deep breath.  Let it out slowly.

Setting aside just 5 to 10 minutes a day to sit quietly with the eyes closed and attention focused on the breath is a wonderful way to reduce stress and anxiety.  However, there are a few very simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into our everyday lives without having to set aside a special time.  Audio cues such as car horns or children laughing, or visual cues like stopping for a red light can be our reminder to take a deep breath.  Eating food slowly and mindfully is a way to connect with our bodies.

Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine is our opportunity to slow down a little, notice what’s around us, and take a personal inventory.  Once you get into the habit, it becomes as routine as brushing your teeth or taking your daily anxiety control supplement.

So take another deep breath.  Let it out slowly.  Have a wonderful, mindful day!

Stress Treatment and Anxiety Control


Find a Natural Alternative for Stress & Anxiety

There is no doubt that Americans are experiencing more stress and anxiety than ever before.  In fact, it can even be stressful and cause anxiety to even find help or treatment for stress and axiety!  Fortunately, The Pain and Stress Management Center was founded to over 37 years ago in order to offer patients a multidisciplinary approach, including natural alternatives to toxic drugs.

With a focus on helping people discover how much better than can feel by putting the brain back into balance, they developed Anxiety Control, which was even awarded a patent.

If you are suffering from stress and anxiety, Pain & Stress Center can help you find a natural solution to ease your symptoms and help create a calm mind.

Get Relief for Allergy Season


Natural Remedies for Allergies and Sinus

Spring may be over, but that doesn’t mean allergy season has come to an end!  Whether it’s ragweed, grasses, or pollen you might be suffering from sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, or itchy throat and eyes.  Even summer air pollution from smog might be making your symptoms worse, as summer’s sun and calm winds create clouds of ozone.  While it might be tempting to want to wrap yourself up in a bubble, there are more convenient ways to find relief.

Pain & Stress Center has been helping people cope with seasonal allergies with their extensive line of natural remedies.  For example, the Sovereign Silver nasal spray helps relieve common allergy issues such as postnasal drip, sore throat, headache, and pain and pressure around the eyes.

Shop online or call (800)669-2256 and start getting relief from your allergies today!

Welcome to The Pain & Stress Center


Alternative Treatment to Pervasive Health Issues

Pain & Stress Center provides the highest quality, premier, natural products to meet all of your health needs.  Our brand is formulated using the best amino acids, vitamins, and standardized herbs so you can trust that our products are manufactured with integrity and purity.

If you are seeking alternative treatments for anxiety, pain, stress, depression or other chronic pain and ailments, The Pain & Stress Center’s extensive line of products will help put your body and brain back in balance.

If you are suffering from chronic conditions, take a moment to peruse our website, or call us at 800-669-2256!